My name is Emily and I am on the encouragement team here at the United Campus Ministry of Texas State. I am a first year student here on campus and am studying Recreational Therapy. I hope to find a career in camp ministry after graduating to work on making summer camp programs more accessible to individuals with disabilities.

 “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you;
He will never permit the righteous to be moved.” -Psalm 55:22 

As we roll into the spring semester, and a new year, we are all starting with high expectations and goals for our work, school, and personal lives. As students we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to succeed. Although grades are important and studying is absolutely something we should make time for, let us not forget to take time for ourselves and be present in these precious moments that God has given to us. Leave your stresses with God and he will take care of you.

Yet, I know for me this has always been a struggle. How can I not put all my focus into my work and school and still manage to stay on top of things? God has blessed me with friends and activities that help me keep my studies on track (and my mind sane!). Talking about my week with friends from UCM or spending an afternoon rock climbing actually work to make me more productive and motivated to excel in my school work.

In Psalm 55:22 the work reads, “cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” So with the papers pile up, and you’ve got presentations due all on the same day, take a breathe and a minute to pray and let God bear the weight of your stress!


Peace | Recharge


Summer Worship